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6 Web Technologies Every Web Developer Must Know

Web development comes with a huge set of rules and techniques every website developer should know about. If you want a website to look and function as you wish them to, you need to get familiar with web technologies that will help you achieve your goal.

Developing an app or a website, even something simple as a bakery website typically comes down to knowing 3 main languages: JavaScriptCSS, and HTML. And while it sounds quite complicated, once you know what you are doing, understanding web technology and the way it works becomes significantly easier.

If you’re seeking to enhance your knowledge and skills in web development, enrolling in a web developer course can provide you with structured learning and in-depth insights into essential concepts, programming languages, and frameworks used in the field.

Fret not if it is not coming easily to you immediately. You may need more time, training, and patience to dive deeper into the subject, but you’ll end up with a good understanding eventually. You can even consider YouTube to be a valuable resource. After you’ve learned, you’ll be able to effectively share your knowledge there. In the beginning, you can consider using strategies such as buy YouTube subscribers to reach a larger audience and ensure your insights are not overlooked.

We present you with an introduction to web technologies and the latest web technologies list hoping it will make things at least a bit easier for you. Now, let’s take a look.

What Does Web Technology Mean?

You have probably heard the term “web development technologies” before, but did you ever think about what it actually means?

Since computers can’t communicate with each other the way people do, they require codes instead. Web technologies are the markup languages such as HTML, XML, and XHTML and multimedia packages computers use to communicate.

1. Browsers

Browsers request information and then they show us in the way we can understand. Think of them as the interpreters of the web. Here are the most popular ones:

Google Chrome – Currently, the most popular browser brought to you by Google

Safari – Apple’s web browser

Firefox – Open-source browser supported by the Mozilla Foundation

Internet Explorer – Microsoft’s browser


HTML is one of the first you should learn. Thanks to HTML, the web browsers know what to show once they receive the request. If you want to better understand how HTML works, you also need to know what CSS is.

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and it describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on the screen. If you browse enough tutorials, you’ll soon create CSS text effectspage transitionsimage hover effects, and more. 

3. Web Development Frameworks

Web development frameworks are a starting point of items that a developer can use to avoid doing the simple or mundane tasks, and instead get right to work.


The instructions for how to pass information back and forth between computers and devices are commonly known as protocols.

Thanks to this protocol, each website can get to the browser. The protocol requests the website from Google’s server and then receives a response with the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript of the website.


Uses WebSockets to create a consistent connection between the client and the server. As a result of that, you get website updates in real-time without having to refresh the browser.

Used mostly for API’s, this protocol has standard methods like GET, POST, and PUT that let information be exchanged between applications.


An API (Application Programming Interface) allows other developers to use some of the app’s functionality without sharing the code.

The endpoints are exposed by the developers while the API can control access with an API key. Examples of well-made APIs are those created by Facebook, Twitter, and Google for their web services.


Data is stored in a structure called a data format.

JSON – JavaScript Object Notation is a syntax for storing and exchanging data (just like XML). It is currently becoming the most popular data format out there.

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